Monday, April 9, 2012

Mama Share Monday-Naming Baby

There is no hard and fast rule about naming a baby. Unless, it's illegal in your country, you can basically name your child whatever you want to.  The problem with doing that, is you may in fact be altering their future if you choose to name your child something nonsensical.  I think that you should be careful what you name your children.  Being as unique as you want to be without being ridiculous!  Here are some ways you can pick a fun name.
  • If you and your husband have names or beginning or names that flow together you can compound them to make a new name.  Or you could use a female/male in your family that you want to honor.  Ex: Annalise, Mary-Lynn, etc.
  • Using a word that you love or means something to you can be a fun way to express long as it goes with the rest of the baby's name and sounds appropriate. (hope, faith, etc)
  • Giving your child a nod to someone famous for any reason, may also be something that is fun to do as well.  I think by using that persons initials in the baby's name, or using it as a middle name can be something unique and your child may admire it later in life.
What advice do you have about naming a child?  What are some ideas you've come up with?  Please leave your answers in the comment section.