My daughter had just turned five months old a few days before. I forgot about this video since it was in a different folder than all the others. Takes me back, almost two years ago now. Thank God for video recorders. Such a wonderful way to remember things!
Gigs For President
1 week ago
So sweet !
What a little sweetie pea!! So love video cameras.
I love how she looks SOOOO serious! She is such a beauty Melanie :) Thanks for sharing!
Wittle itty bitty Kaia. Yummy! Baby-licious! I could eat her with a spoon!
Isn't it crazy how much she's grown and changed since that time? So fun to go back and see her back then!
she's so cute! it's amazing how time fly's by though :O) your right, thank goodness for the video camera so we can capture sweet moments like this!
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