Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby Update-2 months

I kept a journal for my daughter while I was pregnant with her and I still update it periodically, so that she can be gifted with it when she is older and can take care of it. I want her to be able to see things through my eyes and know how much she is loved and cherished. I started one for my little boy while pregnant but, along with not feeling well, I just don't have time to write down much.

I am realizing more and more that I need to be writing some of these things down on my blog so at least I have some things I can reflect on and put in his journal. Time is passing by quickly, too quickly it seems. I know we all struggle with time as we get older...

Ewan, you're two months old now as of last Monday. You're a little over ten pounds and you're almost 22 inches long. You have fuzzy brown hair, quite a bit especially in the back. Your eyes are getting lighter although they're still a royal blue color. You're getting very expressive. Since you were about six weeks old, you've been trying to hold your head up. You can now hold your head up really well for long periods of time. You're very strong and try to climb up me while holding you. You are also a fighter when I do something you don't like, like sucking out your nose or giving you medicine.

Your lungs work, ha ha. You are quite a screamer! You scream when your tummy hurts, you scream when you need to be changed, and you scream when mama isn't near you. That frustrates your Dad since you scream after short times of being with him and won't stop until Mommy gets you. You love showers and have been getting them with me since you were about three and a half weeks old. You mellow right out in the water and are really content to be in there whether it's a shower, bath, or sponge bath even! One of my favorite things is when you nurse, you get really excited and smack your lips. You also smack them when you're done drinking, it's really cute on a little tiny baby. I also love that when I hold you close, you grab hold of my clothing or my hair and hold on tight. You are a little snuggler!

Personality wise, you're changing a ton! You smiled the day you turned two months old and you are like mommy's family, you smile with your whole face :). You get really excited now when I talk to you and you want to talk to me so bad. You make little coos and your whole body moves to interact with me. Your eyes follow me now and that's pretty cute, your eyes also getting really huge when you hear my voice. I'm realizing more as you grow that you got my eyes. The shape and the iris. It's a little strange looking at parts of yourself on your little one. I love how genetics works, it's so amazing how we are all unique and yet we carry our family with us.

Your Sister sometimes resents you but, mostly she loves you and thinks you're so cute. She kisses you on your head and tries to help hold you and get your diapers, etc.

We love you baby boy, we are so thankful that we were given you as a gift after having to wait for 3 years almost. Our family is now complete!