Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Big Sister Bling!

A new baby is coming into our life very shortly. It is my second and my husband's third. We are having a little boy, which is a perfect balance for our super girlie daughter! I was on the look out for some really cute Big Sister t-shirts but, most of the one's I've seen were just basic screen printed tees. I thought maybe rhinestone t-shirts would be where it's at for my girlie girl instead.

Did I say my daughter was girlie? Yeah, she loves anything that sparkles, contains pink, or screams feminine. I found a design I loved and had it made with a black t-shirt as the base and then the "star" design saying "big sister".

She loves the shirt and wanted to wear it immediately. I am packing it to the side so that she can wear it when she meets her new baby brother. I can't wait to meet him of course but, am beside myself with excitement to see how she will react to seeing him and holding him for the first time. My daughter will truly be a "Big Sister" and feel the pride of that on that day!

*thank you Just Jen for the adorable t-shirt for review*


Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Big brother/sister gear is a must for the older siblings! Those are too the bling!