Is it really Wednesday already??? UGH! I have so much to do still. This is from the Wildlife Zoo here in Phoenix. We went a little over a year ago and since then, they've put in an aquarium. I'm really anxious to go again!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Neato! I love zoos and aquariums. I haven't been in a long time. Great photo.
Happy WW from Sara @ The Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!
That's cool! I love taking my kids to the zoo.
Thats really cool, I don't think ive seen an alligator or crocodile like that. I can never get the two right, one has a rounded snout the other a pointy and I mix them up every time lol.
Cool picture! Is it albino?
I love the zoo and I love lizards!! Many "moms" think I'm weird!!
Super cool pic!
Whoa, that's a trippy gator! Never seen an albino one before!
Our family and many others (homeschool field trip) went there in March and it was a great trip. The aquarium is wonderful! It was crowded when we went, because it was the only air-conditioned place in the park and we reached about 100 that day. ugh...way to plan, hmmm? Gorgeous pics there, too! Love your Albino alligator pic! Logan would love it, too! Happy WW!
What a pretty gator! Sounds like a fun place, my son loves going to the zoo.
I really want to go too... so let's plan it!
Pretty cool and pretty scary! We have one here at our zoo in Houston and the kiddos think it is so neat.
Happy WW!
I just went to the zoo too. We had a great white alligator here too recently, but it's gone now.
That is so neat! I've never seen an albino gator before! Happy WW!:)
That display looks better then than it is now... It's so hard to get a good pic of that alligator!
How cool is that! My kids would love to see that. Happy WW!
Woah .. Scary stuff!
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