Monday, March 9, 2009

Why We Need To Go To Sea World!

So Ted from Izea, which I happen to belong to(hello social spark and pay per post ;) ) has teamed up with Sea World to offer an amazing trip for four to Sea World.

I'm supposed to tell him why. I could give you big sob stories right now about how we are totally broke and unable to pay for a trip right now, how my husband is the primary income maker of the house and never has time off, how the wife(that's me) can't really go anywhere due to fund problems as well, or how we haven't been on any type of family vacation for over a year. All of those things may be entirely true but, I won't tell you that. ;)

I will say that we would love to go and spend some quality time with our two kids. We have never been to Florida as a family and 3 out of 4 of us have not been to Florida period. It would be a new experience for us and definitely an adventure flying cross country with two kids.

If that's not enough, how cool is the Manta ride??? I would pee my pants going on that thing, I love crazy rides! Woot! My husband and I both love them and yet we've never been on any big rides together. Guess we'd have to get some neighboring family to take the kids while we go "fly" like the manta does in the sea.

Here's hoping we get picked for this amazing giveaway!

Melanie and family


AnnD said...

I might have to stop by there and register myself. We were actually supposed to be in Florida RIGHT NOW! But, our trip was cancelled because of lack of's a long story....I hope you guys get it!

Jessica said...

I totally feel your pain, I'm a stay-at-homer (with no car or my own) and we've never been on a vacation as a couple much less as a family.

Anyways, I really hope you win!! Good luck!