Kai had her two year appt. She has stayed on the same curve basically since she was born so, great! She is a whopping 34 1/4 in tall and almost 24 lbs haha.
My little daughter will always be small in stature and weight probably. She takes after her aunty Jess. She had her last vax for awhile and I'm sure she will be pleased. And, yay for mommy who doesn't have to take her back to the Dr. for another year(that is, if she doesn't become ill)
Doc says she's healthy and wonderful! I'm glad that at two she is potty trained, except for when she's busy haha and that we kicked the binky habit in about a week. That was a tough one, whew.
We are having her Birthday part on Saturday, should be fun!
Gigs For President
1 week ago
I think it's hilarious that she's almost 24lbs at 2 years and mine is over 26lbs at 10 months. All of my children are probably destined for largeness. Hopefully any girls will just be tall, and not "big boned". Kaia will definitely be petite like her aunt and probably never have to worry about that...lucky!
I love that she's petite!! Logan loves her no matter how small she is. =)~
I still can't get over the potty training thing! Emma won't go near her potty. I'll ask every few days: "Do you want to go poopoo in the potty?" And I get: "Nonononono! It's my ppopoo."
Kaia is amazing! She'll do great things!
How can two years have passed since she was born? I love being tall, but always had a secret envy of petite, blonde girls.
Sounds like she had a great apointment and YAY for the potty trained before 2...it's great isn't it. I so much enjoy not having to change diapers
Ann-that's AN excellent response haha. Miss Emma is headstrong and will do it when she is ready.
And Kim, I have no idea! It amazes me
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