I've seen a few blogs that set aside time to write blessings down or even call their giveaways blessings. To me, the giveaways have been a blessing and not just for their monetary value.
I like the idea of remembering either in written or spoken form the blessings I and my family receive, even if they may be small in the grand scheme of things.
Things that are blessing me today:
1. Though we've had some sniffles and a little cough, my family has been very healthy so far these last few months. No major flu, etc.(crosses fingers that it stays that way)
2. My husband is still getting overtime and we are finally catching up financially.
3. I am very blessed to have a place to lay my head, clothing, food, etc.
4. I am blessed with fellowship and dear friends
5. I am blessed to see and raise my little daughter right now. I am home with her at least for now and that has been the greatest desire of my heart!(of course for things here on earth)
6. The most important today is knowing of my Father in Heaven.
Gigs For President
2 weeks ago
Your daughter is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and blessings. I have to make myself remember my blessings, it seems that I always forget in the rush of daily life. Thanks for your comments on my blog.
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